Something Happened and I'm Scared to Tell (Spanish version)

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With the aid of a friendly lion, this book encourages young victims of sexual abuse to describe what they experienced and helps them recover self-esteem. Though not intended to replace intensive psychotherapy, the book does let children know that they are not to blame for the abuse they suffered and includes nonjudgmental language about why some adults abuse.
Con la ayuda de un amable león, este libro anima a las jóvenes víctimas del abuso sexual a describir lo que experimentaron y les ayuda a recobrar la autoestima. Aunque no está diseñado para sustituir la psicoterapia intensiva, el libro les deja saber a los niños que no son responsables d el abuso que sufrieron e incluye un lenguaje sin juicios sobre porqué algunos adultos abusan a los niños.
Topics: | Sexual Abuse, Trauma |
ISBN: | 9781884734397 |
Page count: | 26 |
Recommended ages: | Not specified. See product description. |